Love Story in Kampinos National Park & Warsaw | Poland

In the work of wedding photographer miracles happen. When lovely couple, exact time, place and even colors match together it is possible to have multiplication of miracles during one shooting.

With A&R we met just one month before their wedding ceremony. They came 400km by car straight to Warsaw, the capital of Poland to take some shots with me - their future wedding photographer. It was suppose to be the nice occasion to get to know better.

When i saw them the first time they just stole my heart because of their perfectly matching hair. Both of them they were having dread-locks and with this mint and rust color palette they appeared at the session at 4am. 

I couldn't believe that it wasn't a dream when i was photographing them on that roof with the view of so called Warsaw Manhattan. The dawn is always miracle for a photographer, but that day just after 4 o'clock in the morning the weather surprised us in double. The strong wind and the sun rising behind the clouds was causing the effect of incredible skin tones and colors that happen only during the magic blue hour. I was like in the trans. I finished the whole session just 15 minutes after 4.00 and than suddenly the heavy rain started. It didn't even stop for the next 2 hours!!! 

Just after downpour we continued our engagement session in the city in my favorite not very obvious locations and than we left Warsaw towards the wildness. We were quite sure that the cloudy, windy and gray polish weather would not stop, but than after road trip we stepped into forest and beautiful sun came out from the clouds.

After amazing adventures in the Polish National Kampinos Park we finally found deeply in the wood famous Dancing Forest. It is the group of twisted pines whose story is related with military activities conducted during the First World War ( trenching soldiers to expose the foreground for the shot were cutting the apex of trees so that they were forever curved like they were dancing).